Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Exercising without breaking into a sweat!

Exercising without breaking into a sweat is not a gimmick. It is a lifestyle. I will give you a few scenerios as illustration. You customized your routine to fit exercise into your busy lifestyle.

When you park at your work, park at the furthest parking spot from your work. This allows you to walk the extra few minutes to and from you work. Take the stairs whenever possible to get the "stair master" exercise routine into your work day.

The same applies to grocery shopping. Park at the edge of the parking lot. Go walk to retrieve a shopping cart in the parking lot. Push the cart into the store and systematically go up and down each and every aisle. Be sure to stick with your shopping list to avoid impulsive spending.

Please allow the extra time for shopping/exercise so you won't feel rushed and frustrated from time constraint issues.

Shopping at the mall with friends and family can be another opportunity to get in more exercise. Window shop and visit the stores. However, have a set financial budget before starting the shopping spree. Always take the stairs whenever possible.

Park in a location that is easy to find and exit from at the end of the day shopping in the mall. Preferrablely further away from the closest exits.

Walk around the perimeter of the large office complex and or the parking sturcture if you work in the corporate environment. Always wear comfortable shoes. Never skimp on inferior (i.e. cheap) shoes.

Make a habit of walking to nearby shops and restaurants.

Change your lifestyle habits. Leave the car behind; WALK!

Exercise Tips:
--comfortable footwear.
--sufficient fluids (water, gatorade, lemonade, juices, etc) before and sometimes after the exercise to stay hydrated).
--commit a time for yourself without external interference. This is YOUR TIME.
--slowly work yourself up to your body's ability. DO NOT OVEREXERT YOURSELF.
--enjoy the moment while you exercise.
--monitor your dress size or cloth size. Weight may not be a good indicator of you improved self. Don't let your weight fluctuation alarm you. Go steady ahead as planned.
--exercise a daily combined total of 30 to 60 minutes per day would be adequate. More exercise is encouraged. Go with your comfort level.

If you have any pain or discomfort from your exercise, immediately stop the exercise and consult your physician.


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