Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Antioxidants and Free Radical protection

Everyone, old and young alike, need antioxidants. People with active as well as sedentary lifestyles need antioxidants. No one is safe from the ravages of the environment, the erosion of the earth's ozone layer, processed foods, and even our body's own metabolic process.

Did you know breathing each day causes oxidation internally in your body, similar to a car rusting, and a fresh cut apple turning brown? You can bolster our body's defenses by eating the right foods, but if you have a hard time doing that, just take Oxygen Plus (see below)!

There are seven different types of free radicals and several nutritional substances with antioxidant capabilities for each type.

Scientists now believe that by increasing the body's intake of antioxidants we can actually delay or prevent much of the deterioration and illness caused by aging; even, perhaps add five to ten years to our life span. The challenge: finding the right antioxidants, in the right amounts, to effectively target the different types of free radicals in the body.

Physicians and Biochemists in research centers such as UCLA, USC School of Pharmacy and Mt. Sinai Medical School has discovered:
Free radicals can cause cancer
Free radicals can cause atherosclerosis
Free radicals can cause emphysema
Free radicals can cause cataracts and glaucoma
Free radicals can cause high blood pressure
Free radicals can cause immune system deficiencies
Free radicals can cause heart disease
Free radicals can cause arthritis
Free radicals can cause stroke
Free radicals can cause Parkinson's Disease
Free radicals can cause various dermatoses
Free radicals can cause premature aging of the skin

OXYGEN PLUS is a combination of vitamins, minerals and special herbs in capsule form that help protect our body from free radicals that can cause damage to your cells, impairing the immune system and leading to various degenerative disease. Oxygen Plus counteracts seven known species of free radicals.

OXYGEN PLUS is a natural anti-aging, antioxidant breakthrough

Bilberry - Its chief action as an antioxidant is its powerful synergy with Vitamin E. On the most basic level, it increases the resistance of blood capillaries and reduces their permeability.

Bilberry anthocyanosides also favorably affect the operation of crucial enzymes in the enzymes in the retinal cellular metabolism and function. It shows excellent anti-inflammatory action, it also inhibits cholesterol-induce atherosclerosis. Bilberry inhibits serum platelet aggregation (clotting). (25 mg)

Green Tea Extract - A health promoting and life prolonging antioxidant. It is rich in polyphenols that have been shown to inhibit the action of many common cancers causing chemicals and in protecting arteries against the damage caused by high fat diets. (250 mg)

Ginkgo Biloba - Improves memory loss, brain function, depression, cerebral and peripheral circulation, and oxygenation and blood flow. Good for tinnitus and glucose utilization. (25 mg)

Glutathione - A powerful antioxidant that inhibits the formation of free radicals. It protects against damage from cigarette smoking and radiation, helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and x-rays, and combats alcohol poisoning. As a detoxifying agent of metals and drugs, it aids in the treatment of blood and liver disorders. (1000 mcg)

Milk Thistle - Used for all liver disorders such as jaundice and hepatitis. Milk Thistle contains some of the most potent liver-protecting substances known. It prevents free radical damage by acting as an antioxidant; thus, protecting the liver. It stimulates the production of new liver cells and prevents the formation of damaging leukotrienes. It protects the kidneys and is beneficial to those with psoriasis. (25 mg)

Selenium - Is a vital antioxidant, especially when combined with Vitamin E as an antioxidant; selenium protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals, which can damage the body. Selenium and vitamin E act synergistically to aid in the production of antibodies and help to maintain a healthy heart. This trace element is needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. A partner/synergist with vitamin E, selenium is essential for the key enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (each enzyme molecule contains four selenium atoms). It stimulates increased antibody response to germ infection. (200 meg)

Beta-Carotene (vitamin A precursor)- This supplement prevents night blindness and other eye problems as well as some skin disorders such as acne. It enhances immunity, may promote gastrointestinal health, protects again pollution, and is needed for epithelial tissue maintenance and repair. It is important in the formation of bones and teeth, aids in fat storage. This important vitamin also slows the aging process. Without this supplement, the body cannot utilize protein. When food that contains beta-carotene is consumed, it is converted to vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene aids in cancer prevention, according to recent reports. No vitamin overdose can occur with beta-carotene, although the skin may turn slightly yellow-orange in color.

Vitamin A is necessary for healthy mucus cells and promotes germ-killing enzymes. Beta-carotene and vitamin A destroy carcinogens (cancer-producing substances). (2500 I.U.)

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) - Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is required for tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland functions, and healthy gums. It protects against the harmful effects of pollution, protects against infections, and enhances immunity.

It also may reduce cholesterol levels and high blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis. Essential in the formation of collagen, vitamin C protects against blood clotting and bruising and promotes the healing of wounds and the production of anti-stress hormones. It also aids in interferon production.

It is needed for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine, and phenylalanine.

New evidence indicates that vitamin C and vitamin E works synergistically, that is, when they work together, they have a greater effect than when they work separately. Vitamin E scavenges dangerous oxygen radicals in the cell membrane, while vitamin C breaks free radical properties in biologic fluids. Both these vitamins greatly extend antioxidant activity.

In addition to increasing interferon production, vitamin C is a potent stimulator of T-effector cell activity. Vitamin C reduces lipid production in the brain and spinal cord, which frequently incur radical damage. These sites can be protected by significant amounts of vitamin C, which is needed to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Vitamin C acts as a more potent free radical scavenger in the presence of a bioflavonoid called hesperidin. (100 mg)

Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol succinate) - Vitamin E is an antioxidant. This supplement improves circulation, and is useful in treating fibrocystic breasts and premenstrual syndrome. It also promotes normal clotting and healing, reduces scarring from some wounds, reduces blood pressure, aids in preventing cataracts, improves athletic performance and aids in leg cramps.

Vitamin E also prevents cell damage by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and the formulation of free radicals. It regards aging and may prevent age spots as well. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents fat and cell membrane rancidity and protects the coating around each cell.

Vitamin E improves oxygen utilization and enhances immune response. New evidence suggests that Zinc is needed to maintain normal blood concentration of Vitamin E. (15 I.U.)


Free radicals are generated by stress, cigarette smoke, aldehydes, dibasic acids, rancid oils, polyvalent metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, etc.), sodium nitrite (a cold cut preservative), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, ozone and radiation (x-rays, nuclear fall out, cosmic rays, chemicals from food and water).

Even exercise creates free radicals as a result of toxic by-products of exhaustion.

Most of the free radicals in the body are the results of a chemical process known a lipid peroxidation. Lipids are oils and fats that are essential parts of the cells. It is when externally caused reactions get out of control that we run into problems.


There are number of vitamins and herbs that inactivate free radicals. Most vitamins and nutrients classified as antioxidants are also free radical inactivaters.

Very few individual, if any, reach their potential maximum life span; they die instead prematurely of a wide variety of diseases - the vast majority being "free radicals diseases.
(Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D.)

Website link: antioxidants

link for OPC-3 anitoxidant

link for Oxygen Plus antioxidant

link for ORAC and anti-aging


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