Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Non-medical therapy for ADD/ADHD - Visualization

This article is about one of the various non-pharmaceutical treatment modality to help those with ADD/ADHD. Just because you think you have ADD/ADHD or not is irrelevant. The issue is to find a solution to what you may have. Simple enough?

I will start with the most basic and the easiest non-medical techniques to help ADD/ADHD. It is visualization.

Visualization is simple, free (cost nothing out of pocket), and is effective to calm the mind. In addition to having a calmer focused mind, there are other physiological health benefits such as lower blood pressure, improved cognition, decreasing your stress level, feeling happier, feeling more fulfilled, and ultimately living longer.

Here is a simple exercise to follow. I recommend you modify this to your specific situation.

Please DO NOT Practice this while driving!

Find a quiet place to sit and start breathing deeply. Work up to a five count inhale and five count exhale. Then, challenge yourself to a seven count exhale and five count inhale. If you are able to go up to the seven count, that’s good. If not able just yet, that’s fine too. Do what’s comfortable.

After 2 to 5 minutes of deep breathing, start to clear your mind of the normal daily mental clutters. You may be overwhelmed with so many thoughts initially. Continue breathing until you feel relax.

Imagine you are the director, screenwriter, the cast, and the most appreciative audience viewing the best picture of the year movie. This is at your private home theater with surround sound and technicolor.

You say to yourself “I want to spend a few minutes in the theater of my mind (visualize the actions in your mind). I am relaxed. I sip coffee watching the sunrise on my beachfront home. I finished breakfast. I kiss to my family good bye. I leave for the office. The drive (or travel) to the office is so pleasant. Every one at work greets me with a big smile. I sit at work and feeling grateful that I have this career. My staff is super wonderful. At the end of the day, all my staff stops by to say goodbye. I come home for dinner and my family greets me with a big hug and smile. I retired to my studies and read a good book. I love my life and retire for bed. I am grateful for this wonderful fulfilled day.”

This is just one of millions of the “best picture” movie in your mind's library collection. You pick and choose what is your “best picture”. Be creative. Be positive. Expect positive outcomes.

IGNORE negative thoughts and outcomes. Pretend they are not there. Negativities doesn't exist!

By holding on to those pleasant thoughts throughout your imaginative day, you can draw energy from those moments to carry you through during some difficult moments. Practice regularly and you subconscious world and conscious world may become one and the same.

Are you open-minded enough to accept the good stuff to your current life? Believe in yourself. Believe in your world. And your world will become a colorful high definition theater that you created.


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