Part two of the diet is a discussion of the “supplements” that our body needs and usually don’t get enough of. Essential fatty acids support and promote the building of neural pathways needed for learning and sustained attention. Essential fatty acids are especially needed in those with ADD. Amino acids promote the production of various neurotransmitters and enzymes critically needed in brain metabolism. Amino acids allow smooth, balanced cognition and fluid transition from thought to disciplined action. Also, helps to reduce stress, frustration and cognitive overload.
Some fatty acid of interest are phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylserine. Some common Essential Fatty Acid are Arachidic Acid, Arachidonic Acid, Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid, Decosahexaenoic Acid, DMAE, dimethylaminoethanol Eciosatrienoic Acid, Lauric Acid, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Palmitoleic Acid, Pentadeconic Acid, and Stearic Acid. I am mentioning the major essential fatty acid here for recognition purposes and would suggest researching further if you wish to have a better understanding of them. Otherwise, this discussion would be a biochemistry discussion and too technical for my audience.
In addition to fatty acids, amino acids are also important. They are as follows:
Calcium Pantothenate and Magnesium Aspartate for normal cell function.
Cystine to strengthen the immune system, reduce damage from free-radicals, repair RNA-DNA in the cells and assimilation of vitamin B6.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) for normal inhibitory functions of the central nervous system.
Glutamic Acid to cleanse the central nervous system and improve overall brain health, attitude and mental performance.
Glutathione to helps detoxify the body.
Glycine to promote health of the thymus gland, spleen, and bone marrow and balance white cell production.
Isoleucine, L-Leucine and L- Cysteine to help detoxify the body and promote healing.
Methionine to support the liver's manufacturing of lecithin and help chelate heavy metals from the body's tissues.
Phenylalanine (DLPA) for improved learning and memory and to increase energy and decrease depression and pain.
Pyridoxine HCL (B6) to increase seritonin levels in the brain.
Tyrosine, an amino acid shown to increase concentration, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. L-Tyrosine is best used in conjunction with vitamin B6
Valine for increased cognitive function and smooth nervous system functioning.
Other supplements of interest include:
Ginkgo Biloba to improve memory.
Chromium Nicotinate to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Radix Heraclei to reduce frustration and stress and increase attentiveness and awareness.
Flax Seed Powder to provide additional essential fatty acids.
Gotu Kola to provide a natural stimulant.
Pycnogenol, and Pine Bark Extract, powerful antioxidants that promote increased circulation and oxygen to the brain.
Pregnenolone, the "Memory Hormone," to enhance short-term and long-term memory function.
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) to improve memory functions and learning.Catechol to enhance the creation of new neural pathways for ease in learning.
DMAE, dimethylaminoethanol, is exceptionally beneficial in helping to eliminate brain toxins and increase the brain's potential to make neurotransmitters. DMAE also helps with mood elevation, improved memory and learning. DMAE has shown benefits against the disruptive and impulsive behaviors caused by ADD. It also shows improvement in treating memory lapses, Alzheimer’s Disease and some troubling movement disorders. Also referred to as a “cholinergic”, DMAE is thought to increase the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is a chemical in the brain that raises brain powers.