Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Breast Cancer - Body Symbology


Cancer in general refers to the unregulated cellular growth level. In cancerous growth, there is a malfunctioning check and balance system of growth and destruction at the molecular level followed by changes at the cellular level. The failure of the check and balance causes proliferation of the inappropriate development of cancer cells.

These are immature cells that have little opportunity to grow and mature to purposeful adult cells. Thus, they (i.e. cancer cells) “suck” the system (physical body) of the limited life force within the body.

Thereby, causing the person to be fatigue, weak and "not themselves" as the initial vague presenting symptoms of the pre-cancerous patient.

In light of this simple explanation of cancer presentation, what specifically is the function of the female breast as it relates to body symbology?

First, let’s evaluate the function and purpose of the breast. The purpose of the female breast from the time of antiquity is the supplying of nourishment to the very young. The process of giving to the very young is a noble obligation as a nurturing mother. It is her purpose and is expected to perform this sometimes unappreciated deed for the next generation to survive and procreate again. In order for her to feel worthiness as a mother, her nurturing and the giving of her milk must count for something.

If her nurturing does not count for anything, and she feels unappreciated, unloved, and not contributing to her “family’s” growth and well being, she will breakdown slowly. The insidious breakdown will likely occur first at the molecular level, then cellular level, followed by tissue level, and manifest itself in the organ system of the breast.

Thus, the body symbology working notion of breast cancer is the unappreciated dutiful experiences a mother feels after giving of herself and feeling her "milk" (i.e. nurturing) accounts for nothing.

Another related concept of cancer is the issue of coincidences associated with other events. Is the coincidences (or the collection of related data) or events that highly coorelate with certain patterns in one’s life? For example, consider the many studies suggesting that over 70% of breast cancer occurs in the right breast. Another fact is over 60% of the cancer patients have cancer of both breasts and is married to an alcoholic husband. Is the cancer of the breast related to someone who cares for an adult man and is sick and tired of taking care of a man? There's a coincidence of having over 60% of breast cancer patient with bilateral breast cancer who are married to an alcoholic husband. Is this just data or is it also a coincidence? Is this an event a statistical coincidence? Is this not reality? If you dig deep down into the patients' psyche, there are more important questions that need to be asked. In the process of interpreting breast cancer using body symbology, there’s a realization that the process of "getting" breast cancer is more important than the statistical data of breast cancer itself. Yes, each body part has a meaning and yes each body part has a function. Things that function has meaning. By inference, if something has a function, it already has a reason for being. As a culture, we will attach additional meanings that match that function. Breast as a functional organ is to give nourishment, nurturing, and love to others; if the giving is not appreciated, the cancer (or the chaotic energy) begins its parasitic relationship onto the body.

Here is a typical theme of cancer patients’ life. They feel tired, somewhat not themselves. They seek medical help; run some tests, and discover they have a lump in their breast. Further investigations with biopsy show malignancy. Mastectomy scheduled and disfiguring surgery performed. Sometimes the cancer metastasizes to other organs. If so, the patient usually die shortly thereafter.

In the women with breast cancer, the women’s nurturing, especially to a grown man, doesn’t seem to amount to much. They long for a meaningful life where their service to the grown man has significance. The worst part is that all the nursing in the world doesn’t raise the adult alcoholic. There’s deep resentment behind that. There’s inadequacy in nursing a man. The metaphor is that their milk counts for nothing. Their love is not pure enough; not stronger enough; and not good enough. There’s deep inadequacy within the woman. There is an underlining core of resentment against the grown alcoholic man for their unappreciated effort.

Cancer seems to feed on resentment better than anything else. If you could put resentment in a petri dish, you can grow any kind of cancer. You can keep cancer alive forever.

If you were to have cancer, how would you deal with it in addition to traditional allopathic medicine? On the psychic level, it works best with kindness, forgiveness, love, and touch. Visualization and becoming in touch with spirituality (not by being more religious) may enhance one's recovery rate from cancer. Sometimes, in the medical profession, the doctors sits across the desk and gives instructions to the patient about their problems. This results in a disconnect with their patient. When there is patient-doctor disconnect, the doctor is merely functioning in the capacity of a licensed medical pharmaceutical dispenser without the benefit of being a healer.

On the Karmic level, the etiology of cancer has consequences dating back to the time of antiquity. There are numberous past life negative karmic events needing accountibility and to settled out the "scores" in this lifetime. If done genuinely and sincerely, the cancer can not take hold from the person and will subsequently starve itself of its nourishments (i.e resentment, anger, vengence, etc.). These negative karmic events may have happened a long, long, time ago and not directly related to you. Don't take it personally! Moreover, the offender may have been a family member, someone of the same village, culture, or race. No one knows for certain the chain of events and the price of negative karma. However, a few will acknowledged that there's some inferences regarding the karmic level and its correlation with physical health. Therefore, the old saying "what we sow, we reap" is a simple metaphor describing the Karmic energy phenomenom.

I hope I have share with you the body symbology associated with breast cancer. If you have any symptoms related to your breast, I highly encourage you seek medical evaluation immediately. It may save your life and prevent you from receiving a disfiguring mastectomy surgury.

Websites of interest:

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The "K" in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The "K" in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The "K" in P.E.A.K. Performance Program stands for Kinesiology. Kinesiology refers to the study of movement. In academia terms, it is used to describe a multifaceted field of study in which movement or physical activity is the intellectual focus. Physical activity includes exercise for improvement of health and physical fitness, activities of daily living, work, sport, and play; it involves persons with disability, injury or disease; and athletes. Kinesiology in reference to A.D.D. is about redirecting the excessive movements (“Kinesiology”) inherited with the ADD/ADHD person. Thus, the Kinesiology aspect is the fine-tuning of the one’s biomechanics and physiology toward accomplishing purposeful tasks.

Kinesiology has a different meaning across the pond in Europe and Asia. On the other side of the pond, Kinesiology is a holistic system of natural health care that uses muscle monitoring to communicate directly with the body. It can assess a person’s response to any stimulus. It draws on the principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Those who practice traditional Chinese medicine are commonly referred to as TCM doctors. They can evaluate body function through the muscle-meridian relationship. It can also establish connections between imbalances, put them in order of priority and determine the most effective treatment. These techniques restore balance and create sustain health for more effective functioning. Kinesiology also draws on and integrates other therapies and healing modalities and can be used as an adjunct to any therapy.

The people with ADD often have “misguided chaotic movements”. Some have a certain “stick-to-it” attitude toward their goals when they find their passion. So, as part of the PEAK performance program, the goal is to find that “inner passion” and work toward those goals passionately.

As a side note, the K could stand for Knowledgeable, Kind, and Keen.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The “A” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The “A” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The “A” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program stands for “Accelerated”. In addition to being empowered, there must be a faster way to get to your goal or target. This is through the inherent hyperactivity of the ADD person. “Accelerated” also symbolizes the ADD person’s hyperactivity (or the ability to naturally multi-task). Having hyperactivity allows the person to do more things in a shorter period of time as compared to the non-ADD person. In a strange twist of nature, the hyperactivity is actually a desirable attribute to handle the various tasks that life throws at you simultanously.

Another symbology of the “A” in the PEAK Performance program may represent the person “diagnosed” with ADD or ADHD (“A” = “ADD” or “ADHD”). Though this is my interpretation, I use it here to give those with “ADD” or “ADHD” the notion that it is a good thing to have rather than the mislabel of a “Deficit Disorder”.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The “E” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The “E” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The “E” in P.E.A.K. Performance symbolizes "Empowerment" of the individual. The program’s purpose is to empower the individual to take control of the situation, the environment, and other “mediums and dimensions” to increase his/her value for personal growth through conscious awareness. The individual will be energized and enjoy the experiences of evolution and progress. He/she will learn to be efficient in adapting to the new challenges. Constant and never ending learning and education is a big part of the PEAK performance program. It is based on the premise that “knowledge is power”, the more one aspires to learn, the more empowering ability one possesses!

We will attempt to make use of the “mind-body-spirit” connection to balance ourselves so as to have a sense of fulfillment and purpose. When the connections are balanced and communication amongst the “partite” are flowing, the euphoria felt no pharmaceutical agents can even come close to duplicating the sensations.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The “P” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

The “P” in P.E.A.K. Performance Program

I started my research about A.D.D. many years ago. I realized the uniqueness of the A.D.D. person. In my attempts to develop an A.D.D-friendly program, I develop the "PEAK Performance" program. The acronym “PEAK” stands for Personal Empowerment thru Accelerated Kinesiology. This week covers the “P” of PEAK Performance, with subsequent weeks on the “E”, “A”, and “P”.

My goal is to devalue the stigma of having to be labeled with a psychiatric disorder and a deficit order as well. In order to start toward the path of healing and growing, one must be accountable for his/her actions. This becomes a first person singular ownership. There is no one to blame for shortcomings. There is no one to take away your earned credits. Blaming is like shifting responsibility and accountability. Therefore, if this program is to work for anyone, it must start from within. This “within” is what I refer to as “Personal”; that means “you”. “You” and only you are in control of your destiny. You do the work, you earn the rewards.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Dr. Richard Chan contact information

I would like to wish my audiences a Happy New Year and the most wonderful upcoming 2006. This posting is my contact information and upcoming events.

Dr. Richard Chan M.D.
Contact Phone: (714) 720-5988
Email: addmdchan@yahoo.com

I anticipate the completion of my book “Velocity Boy, The A.D.D. Stores” in the spring 2006. It will be on sale on line as soon as it is available from the publisher. I encourage my audiences to give me feedbacks and other related issues of interest, so I can better serve you.

I developed a program called P.E.A.K. (Personal Empowerment thru Accelerated Kinesiology) Performance. This program is intended to challenge, and then empower the person to perform at his/her best consistently. Using sport metaphors to describe the program, it is better to have “game excellence” than to have an excellent game. Therefore, my program empowers people to function at their very best each and every day. Understanding these principles will enable anyone to live a more fulfilled and balance life style. I can assist you with your aspirations as your coach and/or consultant. Please contact me and I’ll help you reach your life’s purpose.
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