Monday, November 14, 2005

Optimization of your ADD/ADHD traits

Hello, this is Dr Chan inviting you to visit my site for thought provoking information and ideas to optimize your ADD/ADHD characters and traits. I wish to help you gather information to dispelled your pre-conceived notion of the "disorder" ADD/ADHD. In the process, hopefully, you will feel better about yourself dispite having to live with this label (or better yet a "mis-label").

This is your one-stop shop for articles, products, business opportunities and intellectual forum for all your ADD/ADHD issues and non-issues. In addition, I hope this would help you become an informed person making the informed choices.

The future articles and website links will give you some basics and directions to begin your journey. It is alright to change course during the process of discovery and enlightenment.

I would appreciate any suggestions, comments, and future topics you wish to read about. My email address is

So, as I sign off on my maiden voyage to discovery with all of you through this website, I look forward to sharing with you every Tuesday of the every week.

Thank you for tuning in. Good night and have a pleasant tommorrow.

Dr. Richard Chan


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